Hoe maakt Microsoft hun onbekwaamheid m.b.t. email ons probleem?

Geplaatst in: Support | 0

Onderstaande bericht is geplaatst namens onze hosting partner een onderwerp waarmee we dagelijks te maken hebben en waar we volledig achter staan! De engineer is Dhr. M. Schouten van Tuxis Internet Engineering V.O.F.


I am one of the founders of Tuxis. We provide businesses with private clusters, cloudservices and colocation. They run their vital infrastructure on those services and often a part of that infrastructure is a mailserver.

In the past few months, Microsoft is working on their ‘Anti-Spam policy’. Which basically seems to be: Just reject a bunch of emails, or otherwise move it to the Junk folder. Very often, when we speak to Outlook.com customers, they find vital emails in their Junk folder, or not at all.

You would expect customers to complain to Microsoft about them not allowing important emails to be received. But the Non-Deliverable-Messages Microsoft is sending say: “Unfortunately, messages from X.Y.Z weren’t sent. Please contact your Internet service provider since part of their network is on our block list.”

Now, we are one of those Internet Service Providers. And we (and others) have tried to find out what’s wrong. We can’t. Microsoft is not responding with any useful information, nor telling us what we would be doing wrong, what blacklist they are talking about, which IP is on it.

So basically, they are taping the mailbox in their door shut, and telling the mailman to ask the sender why it is shut.

Please people. Stop using Outlook, Office365, Hotmail. Microsoft seems to be unable to handle the amounts of email they receive and make it the issue of the senders that they are incompetent.